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The goal of the Lucan Skating Club is to provide affordable programming for all levels of skaters.

Like many small town non-profit organizations, we rely heavily on fundraising to help keep our programs operating and affordable. Without your help, this won't be possible. This in turn helps not only your skater, but all members of the Lucan Skating Club.

Each year your Board of Directors reviews registration fees for skaters and tries to keep these fees reasonable for our families. However, as ice rental and other seasonal operating costs increase, we have found it necessary to raise additional funds. 

Funds raised are used in many ways including reduced costs for the entire membership, acquisition of specific needs of the club, and the funding future projects, shows, or bursaries.

We offer a variety of fundraisers throughout the season that families can participate in as an opportunity to help recoup the fundraising bond portion of your fees.  

The club also runs fundraising events from time to time, such as Trivia Night and other events. We hope our members will support these activities.

The financial assistance of corporate sponsors is also vital. Assistance in finding sponsors is also greatly appreciated.

We are always looking for new and exciting ways to raise money for the club. If you have a great fundraising idea, please feel free to drop us a line attn: and let us know!


2024 Ontario Skaters' Promotional Contest Booklet

**Tickets are due back by March 27, 2024**

This program is a wonderful opportunity for skaters and clubs to fundraise and create awareness of figure skating in their community.

What is it?

This is an Ontario-wide raffle which helps clubs raise funds to operate. There are 20 tickets per Promotional Booklet. The value of the booklet is $40.00. The suggested donation is $2.00 per ticket.

How do we benefit?

Over half of proceeds of ticket sales go directly to our club to offset ice expenses. The remainder goes to support Ontario skaters with bursaries, seminars, and special programming.

How does it work?

- You must purchase 1 Promotional Contest ticket booklet per family upon registration

- Skaters/families will receive their promo booklet at one of their skating sessions

- Skaters/families sell the tickets for $2.00 each between booklet receipt and the end of March. YOU keep the money from these sales

**Skaters/Families are responsible to return the sold ticket stubs to the CanSkate session table no later than March 27, 2024**

- If you choose not to sell tickets, write your own name on the tickets and return them

- Returned ticket stubs will be submitted for the final draw announced on Friday June 07, 2024 at noon via livestream and posted online at

If you sell all your tickets and wish to purchase an additional booklet, please contact the club (providing there are booklets left to fulfill the order)


2024 Contest Prizes

First Prize: 2024 Nissan Kicks vehicle

Second Prize: Dyson package

Third Prize: Apple package

Fourth Prizes: 3 prizes of a $1,000.00 Amazon Gift Card

Fifth Prizes: 2 prizes of a Meta VR Headset

Sixth Prizes: 5 prizes of Apple Airpods